Live Your Passion
July 12, 2022 - Shauna Jurczak

One of my students recently asked to do a school project on me for her end of the year project. The topic was artists who inspire you. She was so excited that she was able to do it on a dance choreographer.


First, I was honored to have her see me as an inspiration! Second, as part of her project she asked for a video of me doing what I do. It was a busy time of year, so at first I filmed a quick, 30 second clip on my cell phone of a combo I’d just taught in class. I was about to send it and I had a moment. I realized that short 30 second clip didn’t even come close to capturing the essence of being a dancer, artist, choreographer and teacher! Instead, I took 20 minutes to whip together this video for her instead.

As a dance teacher and studio director, I don’t just dance or create choreography. I mean, of course I do that, but I also do so much more. I encourage young dancers grow into positive, confident people. I help create a place where kids, teens, and adults can come together with their peers to explore their creativity, get active, and find a circle of supportive, like-minded people. I strive to create opportunities for our younger generation (and our future leaders) to shine. Plus, I work to train the next generation of dance teachers. And don't forget the fun - I love to have fun!

Although this video is about “me” it features choreography I created for my dancers, so they could train and take my concepts out on stage to perform like the superstars they are.


Over a decade ago, I made the life changing decision to live my most authentic life. I chose to give up working for someone else and instead follow my passion. Living your passion isn’t always glamorous. It doesn’t necessarily pay big bucks, and it certainly has a lot of ups and downs. But one thing is certain: when you find your passion, and live it authentically, every day feels a little more special, your stress is a little less heavy, and you wake up every morning excited to get to work because it really doesn’t feel like work!

Need an extra little push to help you find your passion and empower yourself to live it? Let’s chat!